Sometimes I feel a shadow behind me
A shadow that won't go away
No, it belongs to me and it calls my name
I turn around just to see my own reflection
My past, my future, my life is played in front of me
I feel empty, lost
It calls my name
When it stares at me I see greed, evil and hatred
I scream at it to go away but it laughs back at me
I am so alone
I give in, can no longer stand the pain
It embraces me, it's cold, so cold
Dikt av Nils Ferlin (som är såååååå vacker)
Dock göras mig dagarna långa
ibland i min gröna berså.
Är jag en av de mycket för många
eller en av de mycket för få?
Jag också, skulle man tycka,
kunde väl finna en bro
som leder, om inte till lycka,
så bara till vardagsro.
Nils Ferlin
Losing his mind
In a war he saw the impossible, when he needed love the most it was taken. Taken by those who pretended to be something special. When he went to school he felt like living was impossible. He couldn't fit in. The evil eyes and the mean words forever in his mind. To avoid trouble he started with medical happiness. It became an addiction and it caused him more trouble then before. When the world finally realised what it had done to him, the impossible had allready happened. A bridge, a sea, an end...