Vinterns fruktan

Del IV och V

Onsdag natt, Torsdag natt



"Some might say, the dark represents your inner fears. And in many cases, they are correct. But the symbol of the creeping, lurking dark can be broken, with a gun and a flashlight

These two things represent something utterly powerful for the dark wanderer. In every way, a man without a flashlight is dead meat. A man without a gun is no more man than me or you.

Without the flashlight, your aim is blinded. Without a gun, you can only predict and count down to your death.

But most important, is the carrier. The carrier must know how to handle each and every situation with cation but with a quick reaction time. Every carrier must know his way around problems and keep an ice-cold stomach at any time."


"This concludes my latest dream. It is a continued part of story that has been haunting me every night since this Sunday. This dream could be seen as a quote from various games/movies. If you would want to see it that way, I did it in any case."


"My dream yesterday was a survival game. I had to run through moments famous from "cube" only to find myself with a smaller group of people. We were all in the desert were the boat was located. Here we had to survive the strangest events of horror designed by man and other supernatural things like a moment when I saw a kid run into a river, when I try to rescue him I suddenly realize: "...Oh!". When I try to get out from the water I drown, since it is my destiny to drown. I have fallen victim to the supernatural trap called "human emotions".

But I am resurrected soon enough to continue with my squad... No one seems to notice the changes in me since I now am of dead material and will soon rot into an inevetable death.


We are in a casino, pinned down by a force unknown. I wake up. The breeze of warm sand is still fresh in my memory. I get out of bed. End of story..."




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