Hjärtesorg/Kolsvart lycka

Det finns en sanning bakom den här dikten och det är att den faktiskt är några månader gammal. Som några vet, har mycket förändrats sen dess. Jag tycker dock att den förtjänar att visas på min blogg plus att den är så hjärteskärande ärlig. 


To be blinded is a blessing

But every wave reaches the shore
Like I remember your hand caressing
From you, I cannot run anymore

My heart will never heal
If I can’t see the break of dawn
My paths, only darkness they reveal
Maybe I won’t succumb during this day

I’m finding no answers in which trust I may
Restless, I will fall
Body and mind, dwelling corruption
Will this be the end of it all?

You have disturbed my inner peace
And my narcissism has only one desire
Thou be my curse and life
Since you have set my heart on fire

There was no end, no fee
The beginning died one day
I saw you as a hollow tree
Whilst your spirit escaped my way

Leafs wither in descended autumn
As shall our friendship greet its fate
The desires lost in life’s pendulum
No words are as cruel as pronounced with hate 

A cold snow covers up the past
Our broken hearts restored in time
The memories may forever last
Two years but one bells chime





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